mobile technology revolution

Technology in the construction industry is no longer “just for the big guys.” Companies of all sizes are stepping up their game with increased usage of smartphones and tablets, specifically.  Mobile device applications such as eesyQ, a digital inspection and safety compliance application, are affordable even for the smaller companies. And with the overall savings that digital tools like eesyQ bring, companies are experiencing that the impact on their profitability is significant soon after they are introduced into their operations.

Mobile devices both in the field and out in the office contribute real-time data and analytics to improve efficiency in several different areas of operations, all at once.  There are three main areas in which immediate changes can be noted upon implementation: Communications, Compliance and Consistent Standard Operating Procedures.

All Communication is Improved with Mobile Technology

Gone are the days when the office sends managers out to the fields to make contact with the jobsite.  Quick and efficient “real time” responses are now possible, drastically reducing human error.  The use of new technology allows for everyone to stay on the same page throughout each project with accurate data and less wasted time in meetings and waiting for updates or approvals.

In addition to internal communication, customer service is also improved with mobile technology.  Payments can be collected directly on site. Electronic signatures can be captured on site, as well.  Direct communication between customers and jobsite managers – and then jobsite managers with surveryors, engineers or office managers – can result in fewer delays and quicker problem solving and actions.    

Safety Compliance is No Longer a Chore

With the accurate and efficient reporting features that construction industries have at their fingertips with mobile technology, safety compliance seems less “heavy.”  The construction industry hits the Top 10 Most Frequently Cited OSHA Standards list every year.  Construction companies are now able to use digital applications to boost safety measures to track training sessions, prevent heavy equipment malfunctions, ensure regulatory compliance and more efficiently report incidents.  Health and environmental issues, along with employee care and satisfaction are all areas in which construction companies can make better choices thanks to new mobile technology implementation.

Consistency is the Name of the Game When it Comes to SOPs

Any Business 101 course will stress the importance of consistency when it comes to standard operation procedures and processes.  The benefits of consistency in any workplace, especially in our industry, are numerous. A few of these benefits in construction companies include:

  • More crew transparency
  • Improved process flow
  • Decreased cost of inventory and materials
  • Improved scheduling and workflow process
  • More accurate reporting and easier information search
  • More accountability
  • Reduced human error
  • Better equipment tracking and improved equipment maintenance
  • Improved hiring and training
  • Better data security

What do all of these benefits have in common?  In one way or another, each will have a positive impact on your company’s bottom line.  Additionally, having consistent and standard operating procedures in place will allow for easier scalability and growth.

When mobile devices replace manual systems, companies quickly reap the rewards of being – and feeling – more efficient and more organized.  Don’t get left behind. Get your head in the clouds and modernize your business with mobile technology. Get started with the eesyQ application to customize and then standardize your equipment inspections, and improve your safety compliance and reporting processes with just two clicks.  Contact us today to get a free demo to see how the eesyQ Mobile Inspection and Compliance Tool will bring a significant return on investment to your company.

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