Maintain Safety Compliance

There are few jobs more dangerous than working on a jobsite with heavy equipment. Perceiving the risks faced and mastering the ability to think and act appropriately in the face of these on-the-job dangers are qualities that only come with experience, time and proper training. The worst case scenario is learning a harmful lesson the “hard way.”

The ones most at risk are workers whose beliefs are that “it won’t happen to me.” The next group of workers high up in the red zone of taking risks on the jobsite are those that take shortcuts because they are feeling pressure to get the job done quickly.

Knowing that every safety shortcut is dangerous, the safest – and most productive – job sites are those that implement safety processes which are standardized, highly efficient and easy to implement. The following are a few tips to ensure your company is safety compliant at all times.

The Learning Should Never Stop  

Did you know that about 31% of noise-exposed Construction workers report not wearing hearing protection in a survey conducted by the CDC when at least 51% of all workers in Construction are exposed to hazardous noise on a daily basis.

Up to date training programs are crucial. Companies are quick to assume that updating their training programs consistently is a waste of time and money, but that is the absolute wrong assumption to make. One of the most valuable assets of a construction company is its training programs, and it’s especially important to reevaluate your trainings on a regular basis and communicate all changes and updates with everyone on your team.   

Just as important as training and teaching safety procedures is modeling and implementation. The best way to get your employees on board with your standardized procedures is to listen to them. It’s true that employees become more invested when you care to take the time to collect their feedback and listen to their pain points and ideas.  The same impact is made when the leaders serve as role models. If your leaders are on board with respecting the importance of safety training, your employees will follow suit.

Regular Equipment Inspections are a Big Deal

When inspections are done right and the right communication is integrated, your equipment inspections become a huge part of your accident prevention program. A daily walk-around inspection of your heavy equipment should be required of your teams on the job site. Not only does this practice decrease your equipments’ downtime and increase your bottom line, it will significantly impact your safety compliance efforts.

Again, daily walk-around equipment inspections are something that can be overlooked by companies, as costly or if not communicated well, then a waste of time. It certainly doesn’t have to be that way. Standardized inspections can be recorded quickly and easily using software such as eesyQ, taking only a few minutes to record the pertinent data and sending the reports to the management team in just two clicks.  With software applications like eesyQ, your company can maintain your equipment at the cost of much less than a dollar a day.

Predict and Prevent

The third and final piece to maintaining safety compliance is to analyze, predict and prevent accidents from happening. Train your management team to be proactive and use the provided recordkeeping and reporting that is collected from inspections.  Predicting safety hazards before they happen is the most effective way to save money, time, and to promote the health of your employees.

Again, with the right software in place, your customized inspections can provide reports that allow you to quickly recognize the data that is the exception to the norm, eliminating some of the time spent in analysis and risk management.  With additional automation features, your digital inspection tools should also allow for quick notification of service needs to allow for your equipment to remain in good working order and to prevent any future safety hazards.  An added bonus is that you can also have your records in order ahead of time, and at the click of a button, for submission to the appropriate safety departments for proof of compliance.


The main components to remember when maintaining safety compliance the easy way in your business are:

  • Learn, Teach & Do
  • Implement, Monitor & Maintain
  • Analysis, Predict & Prevent

With these factors in place, your company will have the roadmap it needs to protect your employees, decrease accident rates, increase productivity, and ultimately, thrive as a truly successful and responsible business.


To find out more about how eesyQ can help implement safety compliance in your company with digital inspection customized processes and reports, click here to schedule a free demo or check out the app’s latest features on our website at

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