Intuitive Technology

Does your phone sometimes know what you’re thinking before you think it?  Can you remember a time when you didn’t own a personal computer or a smart phone?  It seems like a long time ago, right? We are definitely living among intuitive technology, and whether we want it to our not, our lives have become significantly more productive as a result.

There’s no denying that smart technology has indeed changed our lives drastically just in the last decade alone, with more and more innovations coming out every day.  The IoT, otherwise known as the Internet of Things, is defined on as a network of everyday devices, appliances, and other objects equipped with computer chips and sensors that can collect and transmit data through the internet.  The IoT simply refers to anything with an on and off switch that connects to the internet, and the analyst firm, Gartner predicts that by 2020, there will be over 26 billion connected devices.

Why the success rate? Most claim that it serves its purpose as the convenience factor we are all looking for in our personal lives, but in the business arena, it is clear that the popularity and implementation of smart devices and new software is all about productivity.

Technology intuition is making itself present in all industries, and the construction industry is no exception. Advanced technology such as virtual or augmented reality concepts are being introduced into some of the planning and design arenas. But, more common are smaller scale technological advances that are focused on improving safety, promoting risk management, and connecting jobsites.

The construction site is becoming more and more safe with new intuitive technology devices and software that protect workers and decrease jobsite accident rates. For instance, Triax is a company that has introduced wearable technology that attaches to workers’ belts and alerts management when someone has tripped, slipped or fallen so that help can be expedited at a quicker rate.  Promoting regular maintenance on equipment, eesyQ is a new company that simplifies the heavy equipment inspection process, eliminating safety hazards with user-friendly smart software.  

Risk management is what often separates the successful construction companies from the rest. Predictive analytics is the smart technology that makes risk management much easier. Again, eesyQ comes into play with advanced reporting features that enable companies to predict equipment downtime before it becomes an issue. is another effective data collection tool that is taking the industry to the next level with analysis of visual data from jobsites.    

Connected job sites result in significant money savings for any construction company, and they are no longer considered the new thing. Communication delays are costly and job site connectivity is becoming easier and easier to achieve thanks to the intuitive technology that is available. Reports are sent to the office with one click, or touch of a screen. Everyone in the office has immediate access to everything that is happening on the job site. As a result and an obvious benefit, mistakes are nearly eliminated and change orders are significantly reduced. Issues that used to take days and weeks to resolve are now taking hours or minutes. 

The words productivity and efficiency are commonly spoken in operations meeting in every industry, and the quickest way to achieve both of these is through the use of intuitive technology.  With the Internet of Things at the tips of our fingertips, companies are faced with many great choices. The important thing is to try to keep things as simple as possible by selecting new technological advances that tackle a multitude of problems in one package. The right multitasking software could end up helping your company stand out in a crowd in the end.

A perfect multitasking solution is the eesyQ application: increase efficiency and promote safety with customized daily walk-around inspections; reduce time and money spent collecting data; and impact your bottom line with reporting that allows for advanced risk management.  Visit our website for more information and to register for a free demo so that we can show you how eesyQ can provide solutions for your company.  


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