How Systems Can Save You Money

The power of systems is real. In the construction industry, putting efficient systems into place is the key to saving money and generating more income.

Each construction project is assigned a schedule that outlines the timeline for tasks to be completed with an overall project completion deadline to reach. Project budgets are assigned, and plans are put into place according to the construction schedule. The schedule is used to communicate expectations and plan specifics with the key players, and if all goes well, the project is completed within the assigned time frame. None of this would be achievable without systems.

It is systems such as these that save companies time and money.  

In the overall big picture of business, putting systems into place increases the equity value of any company. If it ever comes time to sell your company, buyers will see that you have already put things to the test and will be able to trust that you have efficiency in mind. Buyers will know that when they purchase the business they can just jump right into your shoes and things will run smoothly.

On a more micro level, putting systems into place in your construction company both inside the office and out in the field have individual financial benefits as well. It’s easy to remember the three main advantages that system implementation bring as the ACE up your sleeve:  Accountability; Consistency; and Easy analysis.


When it comes to onboarding new employees, having standard operating systems in place not only significantly reduces time spent training and managing, but it also allows companies to more easily hold their employees accountable. According to Inc. Magazine, “a culture of accountability (in the workplace) fosters self-reliance and confidence.” When employees are more self-reliant and confident, the company is saving money.


It is a fact that after systems are put into place, standardization follows suit. Like a really awesome domino effect, when standards are set, job performance reaches a more consistent level and performance increases. By participating in developing and implementing standards that streamline your processes and trim costs, your company will continue to build market share and boost your bottom line.

Easy Analysis

The magic of systems sometimes happens during the creation phase, sparking proactive thought which could open the door to improvement. Additionally, having systems organized in your company allows for easy analysis to help avoid costly errors and test new valuable ideas and implementation that would otherwise be overlooked. The process of identifying problems and determining what works, what causes something to work or fail, and what can work independently is much easier to manage when there is a standardized process or system in place.

Each individual process and procedure has the potential to impact your company’s profit margins. The following are just a handful of areas in which implementing systems can lead to huge savings and a jump in company revenue:

  1. Data Collection, Storage and Analysis
  2. Customer Service
  3. New Employee Hiring and Training
  4. Equipment Inspection
  5. Inventory Management
  6. Safety Measures

With eesyQ technology, construction companies are saving significant time and money with easy system set-up and implementation in just 2 clicks.  Click here to schedule a free demo and see how eesyQ customized technology is helping companies standardize walk-around inspections, reporting, inventory management, and more.

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