Construction Technology

It’s a common and complete myth that the construction industry isn’t for people who like modern technology. In fact, construction companies today are required to invest in modern technology in order to stay competitive. New advances are being introduced that benefit all areas of the industry, and ultimately, advanced technology is resulting in safer, more efficient operations with a positive impact on overall profitability. The following are just a few of the new systems that are revolutionizing construction companies across the globe.

Increased Efficiency in the Office  

New tools are arriving, custom-made for construction companies to increase efficiency with digital equipment inspections, improved safety compliance, and easier risk management. With one simple app such as eesyQ, construction companies are able to tap into all three of these areas for a very low cost.  The eesyQ app reduces the time it takes to perform daily walk-around inspections and sends customized reports directly to the management team and service providers. Risk management is imperative to gaining success as a construction company, and apps with features such as more targeted and quicker reporting provide the data necessary for management teams to easier predict any risks, in turn impacting the company’s bottom line. Companies are finding that implementing eesyQ into their operations is saving significant time and money, decreasing their equipment downtime while increasing safety all at the same time.

Improved Safety Compliance at the Job Site

Wearable technology has also become all the rage in the industry. Construction sites have never been more safe or as “smart” as they are now. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration top workplace safety citation in the past 5 years remains to be fall protection.

With more stringent benchmarks for worker safety, companies like Triaxx have created tracking devices to be worn on the job site in an effort to reduce worker accident rates. These devices alert the management team in real time when someone has slipped or fallen, improving response time and accident reporting. Additionally, individual workers are able to press a self-alert button in the event they experience an injury unrelated to falling or slipping. On the flip side of things, the technology also enables management to easily and quickly notify workers of any site-wide catastrophe requiring immediate evacuation.

Green is the New Black

Going green is no longer a new phrase nor is sustainability still considered a buzzword. As the world becomes more eco-conscious, practices such as recycling are common factors considered in the construction industry, as well, and it is practices such as these that are setting companies apart from their competition. Moving away from today’s throwaway mentality, the building sector is giving more thought to creating structures by using materials that can be fully reused, repurposed, recycled, or composted. Sustainable construction, a term commonly used today, is welcoming new technology and new advanced processes when it comes to selection and use of materials. Recycling concrete and 3D printing of carbon fiber to replace balsa wood are just a few of the new advanced systems available to the industry to lower environmental impact and overall costs.

It’s a Visual World

Virtual reality is no longer just a term used in gaming. Consumers are exposed everyday to the visual magic that their smartphones and other devices bring, and they are starting to expect it from construction companies, as well. Walking homeowners or stakeholders through a 4D virtual reality environment in which they can literally see final results prior to finalizing plans allows for increased customer buy-in and an ability to meet their customers’ final expectations. The advanced technology allows for companies to better plan every aspect of each project, further improving efficiency and safety, and delivering a more expected and higher quality product result.


Embracing new technology and innovation is the quickest way to ensure success in today’s modern construction industry. Is your company tapping into the best resources available to you? Make advanced system analysis and introduction a priority and reap the benefits of improved safety, efficiency, and the best of all, an improved bottom line.


To find out more about how eesyQ can help take your company to the next level with digital inspection customized processes and advanced reporting, click here to schedule a free demo or check out the app’s latest features on our website at


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