The Benefits of Getting Rid of Paper

Are you still pushing physical paperwork around in your office?

Have you adopted a few technological advances but haven’t taken your office there yet?

If you’re not sure it’s worth the expense of implementing something new to your office team, dreading the change that will come along with new advanced technology, then it’s definitely time to make the commitment.

There are so many immediate benefits to “going paperless,” that once you take the leap, you’ll wonder why you waited so long.

According to the Environmental Paper Network, paper usage in North American businesses is significantly decreasing as companies are gaining awareness around not only the impact on the environment, but also the ease of managing an electronic system. Add the overall company cost savings into that and there really is no reason to not, at the very least, explore your options.  

Get Organized

In discussing the ease of managing an electronic system in the construction industry, we must first discuss document organization. With your reports, systems, inner company communication and customer service all placed online, the time saved on your payroll can be significant.  No more paying employees to spend time filing random papers or hunting through piles of paper to retrieve that important receipt or invoice that you can’t find. By scanning electronic copies of your important papers – which takes a fraction of the time compared to physical filing systems – you can sort, file, organize and locate anything within minutes.  

Sharpen your Image

In addition to organization, transitioning to a fully electronic system in your office will enhance your company’s professional image.  It’s at your website where your customer experience only begins. Not only do customers want quick and efficient service, they demand security.  Customers are concerned about privacy and data collection and a locked file cabinet and paper shredders just aren’t enough. A competitive edge is required to just stay relevant in this industry and upgrading your office to even a simple electronic system will help you stay on the map.

Put More Money in the Bank

Cutting overhead costs should always be at the top of your board meeting’s agenda, and an investment in advanced technology in the office should be included in that strategy.  When moving into a completely paperless environment (it’s possible!), your company’s savings will extend well past the cost of ink cartridges and paper reams. You will also eliminate the need for equipment such as those big copy machines, including the routine repair costs and the space they require.

The benefits of efficiency, organization, and security are all just some of the benefits of getting rid of paper systems in your office that will save your company significant time and money, and take your business to the next level.  

Whether we like it or not, it’s time to join the 21st century and “go green.”  Adopt new technology in your office, eliminate some of that elbow grease, and you won’t end up a Darwin.  

Click here to schedule a free demo and see how eesyQ customized technology is helping construction companies like yours achieve a paperless office and save significant time and money in just 2 clicks.

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