employee engagement

So many companies get it wrong and set their focus on customer service in order to build their business.  I know what you’re thinking – the customers pay the bills, right? Wrong. It’s your employees that you should be spending your energy on the most.

A very smart businessman, Doug Conant, once said “To win in the marketplace you must first win in the workplace.”

Why?  Because it’s your employees that are the face of your business.  It’s your employees that are providing the customer service and representing your company’s values.  When it comes down to it, it’s your employees that can make or break your business.

Statistics show that companies with engaged and happy employees generate 2.5x more revenues than competitors with lower engagement levels. Those numbers are clearly telling you where you should be investing in your business. The following are some ways that you can invest in your employees, boost employee engagement, and ultimately, boost revenue.

Give Your Employees a Voice

Ask for feedback, and really listen to what your employees have to say.  Encourage all of your leadership teams to truly be willing to hear what your employees at all levels are trying to tell you.

Conduct surveys with anonymity to allow employees an opportunity to express their thoughts in a safe environment. Additionally, get into the habit of asking direct questions of employees of all levels to find out where they see room for improvement in daily operations and build trust by implementing necessary changes.

Be proactive and consider implementing stay interviews – in contrast to exit interviews – to gain insight on how the employee experience can be improved before they are headed out the door.

It’s crucial to prove to your employees that their opinion matters to the company and in turn, increase job satisfaction. Because again, when your employees are happy, more customers become your best customers as a result.   

Enable Your Employees with Opportunities for Growth

Give your employees a learning environment to work in, and growth will happen naturally.  Leaders will rise above the rest and so will valuable workers of all levels.

According to ReportLinker, 78% of employees who say their company encourages creativity and innovation are committed to their employer. Encourage your employees to be creative and always be open to innovation. Provide your employees with the tools they need to perform their job with the highest level of efficiency, and they will return with higher quality work in less time.

Another way to create a learning environment in your company is by allowing your more experienced employees to mentor your less skilled employees. By establishing structured mentoring programs, you are opening your company up to the possibility that the newer, less experienced employees could have a fresh perspective that could potentially result in significant time and money savings.

Also, exposing your employees to workplaces with advanced technology paired with effective training programs will boost confidence and result in the domino effect of happier employees, leading to happier customers, leading to a happier bottom line.  One of the easiest ways to introduce advanced technology is to provide digital tools that mimic tools that employees’ use every day in their lives. For instance, smart phone inspection and safety compliance applications like eesyQ have a very minimal learning curve as it uses familiar processes that workers see on their phones outside of work every day, such as smartphone camera use and click button actions.

These are just a few ways to help make your employees love coming to work for you, and reap the rewards that come with having happy, engaged workers, but it’s honestly a really good start. It will benefit your company’s profitability to assess just where you’re at on the spectrum of employee engagement in your business, and if you’re not performing at the top, then it’s never too late to make changes.

For more information on eesyQ’s digital inspection and compliance app, please check out our website at www.eesyQ.com.  Grab your copy of our exclusive ebook How To Create More Profitability & Long-Term Growth in Your Construction-Related Service by entering your information in the box below.

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