Is Your Success a Direct Result of Your Employees or Your Customers?

Do you know the quickest and most effective way to provide top-notch customer service? Give your employees the same love as you give your best customers.

It’s simple. Your employees are representatives of your company and ultimately they are also the reason you have your best customers. It’s proven that if you invest in your employees, they will then turn around and invest in you.  

Statistics show that companies with engaged and happy employees generate 2.5x more revenues than competitors with lower engagement levels. Those numbers are simply too significant to ignore.

Here are some easy ways that your company can ensure that your employees are experiencing peak positive engagement, benefiting everyone with win-win results.

With Opportunity, Comes Personal & Professional Growth

Providing and encouraging your employees’ ongoing development is crucial and can take on many different faces. Some of the most renowned inventions and innovations were discovered as a result of being in the right place at the right time. That right place was most likely a learning environment.  

Learning new skills, and therefore forming brilliant new ideas, results from being surrounded by learning opportunities. One way to create a learning environment in your company is by allowing less skilled employees to simply watch the more experienced employees. By establishing structured mentoring programs such as this, you are allowing the newer, less experienced employees to offer up a fresh perspective that could potentially result in saving your company a significant amount of time and money.

According to author Oscar Wilde, Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. Allowing your employees to make small mistakes is another truly effective way to provide an environment that is rich with educational growth opportunities. Handling mistakes with grace and welcoming insight from the employee and his peers will send a company-wide message that will have strong positive impact, build trust, and will ultimately flow over into the customer experience and therefore, your bottom line.

Listen to What They Have to Say

In order to promote a high level of employee engagement, your company leaders must be willing and interested in hearing what even the entry level employees have to say. Give them a voice right away and collect feedback regarding the onboarding process.

Ask for feedback just as you ask for customer feedback and take the results seriously. Ask direct questions of employees of all levels to find out where they see room for improvement in daily operations. Consider implementing stay interviews – in contrast to exit interviews – to gain insight on how the employee experience can be improved before they are headed out the door. Listening to what your employees say and making needed improvements, is just another win-win situation that will increase your overall company revenue and prevent the costly expenses that comes along with losing and replacing a good employee.

 Not only will these strategies increase employee retention, but it will also prove to the employee that their opinion matters to the company and in turn, increase job satisfaction. And again, when your employees are happy, more customers become your best customers as a result.

Set Them up for Success

Help your employees succeed and grow with your company. There is no question that a big part of employee satisfaction has a lot to do with the tools they are provided with to complete their tasks.

According to ReportLinker, 78% of employees who say their company encourages creativity and innovation are committed to their employer. Encourage your employees to be creative. Be open to innovation. Provide them with the tools they need to perform their job with the highest level of efficiency.  

One surefire way to step up your game and keep your employees engaged is to implement digital systems that mimic systems that your employees use in their daily personal life, such as apps for mobile devices. Make efforts to stay on top of industry trends and make your employees proud to work at a company that uses advanced technology.

EesyQ offers digital solutions for your company that can be applied both inside the office and out in the field.  Click here to schedule a free demo and see how eesyQ customized technology is helping companies achieve optimal employee engagement while also saving significant time and money in just 2 clicks.

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