
Customer experience has clearly become the defining factor between successful businesses and those that are struggling to stay in the game in today’s economy.

Everywhere you look, consumers are making purchasing decisions while holding their phones in their hands. The days of being concerned about conducting banking transactions online are moving further and further behind us out of view, and the convenience factor is now a marketing term that companies must consider in order to successfully connect with their customers and remain competitive.

Customer Experience = Company Growth

According to Salesforce, we are looking at the following statistics:

  • “70% of consumers say technology has made it easier than ever to convince them to take their business elsewhere.
  • 52% of consumers are likely to switch brands if a company doesn’t make an effort to personalize communications with them.
  • 50% of consumers are likely to switch brands if a company doesn’t anticipate their needs.”

Consumers are searching for efficiency.  The easiest and quickest way to obtain the end result is going to win the race almost each and every time when it comes to marketing.  As it turns out, customer loyalty holds less water as new companies are showing up with faster and easier customer experiences.

When you provide the customers with a familiar user-friendly interaction with your company, you instantly remove administrative chores and free up their time.  And when you can provide an experience that is similar to technology that they use in their domestic lives, you have found the competitive edge.

Sending appointment reminders via text messages, providing online forms for completion on an iPad or tablet upon arrival to check-in for an appointment, and even selling products via social media marketplaces provide a personal touch.  These customer experiences are effective because your customers typically use these same tools and platforms every day in their personal lives.

Customer Experience = Lower Costs

Using technology such as this to provide an excelled customer experience begins with organization inside the company.  Having systems in place that offer superb customer service benefits the company, as well, in that it decreases the need for traditional paper trails to be sorted and filed.  Time spent on the phone scheduling and verifying appointments is also decreased, cutting costs, along with reducing, if not eliminating the use of equipment required such as printers and copy machines.  

The efforts to improve the customer experience becomes a win-win for everyone and can drastically increase your company’s overall profitability as your customer base grows and your company costs shrink.

Click here to schedule a free demo and see how eesyQ customized technology is helping companies like yours achieve a better customer experience in their operations and marketing plan in just 2 clicks.

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